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Colon bacillus

General characteristics

Where does E. coli, and what is it? Eshirehiya is the main aerobic flora of the human intestine. It received its name in honor of the discoverer - pediatrician Escherichia, select body from the children's intestines. They have the form of straight rods with rounded ends. In smears, localization of single individuals or arranged in pairs under a microscope clearly visible.

The optimum temperature of - 37 degrees. As a result of fermentation enzymes degrade carbohydrates to acid or acid and gas. It grows well on simple nutrient media. They cause a lot of diseases in humans, called ehsherihioza.

Some inhabitants in the very fact of the presence of the organism bacillus coli infections is alarming. And, by the E. Coli involved in the fight against disease-causing bacteria found in the digestive tract, it is actively promoting the exchange of the digestive process is related to the development of the immune system zaschitnyhfunktsy.

Microbial populations in the body have the ability to self-regulation, providing ecological balance. Any adverse effects on the human body, causing a reaction microflora. Changing its quantity and quality, which results in an imbalance in the body.

As a result of such enzymatic reactions bacterial system is able to clone these more aggressive strains of E. Coli, causing infectious diseases - ehsherihioza:

  • in the intestine - enteritis (inflammation of the small intestine);

  • development of colitis (inflammation of the colon);

  • cause secretory diarrhea;

  • mucous membranes in the digestive tract enterotoxins cause symptoms of hemorrhagic diarrhea;

  • inflammation of the peritoneum;

  • urethral disease;

  • pulmonary disease;

  • inflammation of the spinal cord shell;

Treatment of E. coli

The presence of E. coli is confirmed on the basis of bacteriological studies of feces, vomit, mucus discharge. A blood test confirms or denies the development of sepsis.

Doxycycline is a widely used antibiotic of tetracycline. It is prescribed adults for the treatment of severe microbal diseases on the west market. It has a strong action, and therefore it is not taken by children. Due to the strong action the effect starts within several days.

Compliance with sanitary regulations, breeding a warning if an infection in food and water, will prevent many of the symptoms ehsherihioza.

Symptoms of E. coli

Latency infection can last up to a week. During this time, the first symptoms of E. coli infection can not occur.

Subsequent expression of expressed symptoms:

  • indigestion in the form of severe diarrhea;

  • vomiting green;

  • fever and hyperthermia;

  • periodic nausea and weakness;

  • violation of appetite symptoms pulling pain in the abdomen

As a result of spontaneous bowel clean clinical presentation may disappear in a few days. Infection of adults due to E. Coli does not require an emergency intervention. Immediate medical attention is required for children with suspected coli infection, since the presence of Escherichia children, is extremely dangerous.

Urethral infection

Education uropathogenic coli infections caused by intestinal microflora. Penetrating into the urethra, and then mochevik, the bacteria multiply in the hard transition of the epithelium. This is facilitated by a variety of anatomical anomalies or physiological nature, impeding the normal urine output.

Among children exposed to disease, the boys and puberty - girls. The development of girls is more often associated with the onset of sexual activity. Aggravating factors are not hygiene and use of mechanical contraceptive contraception.


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